Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trip to the market 9/10/07

I play Scrabble once a week at a local bookstore and nearly everytime I'm there I end up leaving with a book or three. I'll update what books were added to my collection each week .

This week, I went a little overboard and picked up three different titles from authors who have been highly recommended to me but I have yet to read.

1) The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
2) The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
3) Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb

Of course I realized when I got home I should have bought Assassin's Apprentice first. Well I'm pretty sure you can guess what I'll be putting in my basket next week. Now which book to read first I'm inclined towards The Blade Itself but who knows. Another good poll question I should really set one up.

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